Hale to Pay (Arrangement Series Book 6) Read online

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  “Are you sure about that, Ma’am? He is the sole heir to his parents’ the estate.”

  She holds up a finger. “I have something for you that might assist though.” She unlocks her drawer and pulls out a mahogany, polished-wood box and slides it over. I unlatch the delicate gold clasp. My mom’s handwriting is the first thing I see. I open the letter with shaky hands.


  If you are reading this, it means I’m gone and didn’t have a chance to tell you myself. Please don’t hate me. I was only doing what I thought was best. Agatha was the only person I could trust at the time. During your fifteenth birthday party, I went to the store for more ice cream where I was cornered by a younger woman with a little boy who looked to be about nine or ten. She said Elmer refused to believe he was his son and would have them both killed if she brought it up again. She needed financial help, so she could finish college and have a better life for her son.

  I saw us in them, and I couldn’t let them be exposed to the bullshit we had to endure to be Hales. I thought their quality of life would be better without Elmer. With the LeClaire’s assistance, I paid for her college and provided some financial assistance in ways Elmer couldn’t trace. If you’re at the bank, it means you’ve followed the money to your little brother’s trust fund. It’s set up so only he can get it when the time is right and Elmer is no longer able to stand in his way of taking his rightful place in the family.

  Don’t blame Dondi and Mellie, they don’t know he’s your brother. They think they helped me with a dear friend. I tried to invite them to your events so you two could try to build a relationship on your own. The DNA results and some pictures are enclosed.

  I love you with all my heart,


  My hand is shaking when I pass the letter to Wyn. I hate that I missed out on a sibling, but I understand one hundred percent why she did it. I love that she still took care of them. I flip through the pictures of my birthday parties where a little boy seems to be in the pictures. I vaguely remember the kid talking to me about airplanes and video games. I wasn’t mean to him, but I also wasn’t engaging. He looks hopeful in the photos of the first few years, then blank, then resentful. I feel like I’ve been struck by lightning because I recognize the scowl the teenager in the last photo is wearing.

  Wyn neatly folds the letter and puts it back in its envelope. He gathers the pictures I just looked through. I know he gets it when he gasps.

  “Agatha, if I bring him here, he can officially have access to his trust fund and new life?”

  “Yes.” She gives me a wide smile. “We did such a good job raising you.”


  To say I’m shocked is an understatement. We’re silent all the way back to the island, both of us processing different things. I played video games with that kid and made paper airplanes for him never knowing I was holding court with my own damn cousin. I know the look of regret in Oran’s eyes as he clutches the box. I understand Aunt Beth’s actions. Elmer rubbed me the wrong way often and I wasn’t his child.

  Oran arranged to have him waiting for us upon our return. If I weren’t with him upon discovery, I’d swear he was fucking with me. We enter Oran’s office and close the door tightly. Oran takes his place behind his desk and I sit on our guests’ left. I still can’t fucking believe it.

  Dallas fucking Parker. At least the hateful looks make sense.

  “I take it Parker is your mother’s last name?” Oran asks, as he starts this awkward as fuck conversation.

  Dallas’ thinly veiled resentment boils over at Oran’s question.

  “I knew you two assholes knew who I was!” he growls at Oran.

  Even I know that’s not the best approach. Oran slams his hands on his desk to cease whatever tirade Dallas was about to go on.

  “Look! I’ve had an emotional day. Shut the fuck up and calm your ass down. You may have our blood, but not our upbringing. Don’t get initiated by one of us beating your ass.”

  Dallas frowns at me and I just shrug. It’s not my preferred way to solve problems but I would kick his ass if it were necessary.

  “Now we know why he frowns at us all the damn time,” I supply.

  Oran pushes the box in his direction. “We have a field trip. Keep acting up and I won’t tell you where it is.”

  Dallas’ hazel eyes fly over the letter and he looks at the pictures.

  “You didn’t know,” he whispers to himself. “My mom always told me I was going to visit my family. I felt so left out when you guys wouldn’t include me, then the invites stopped coming.”

  “I have a question for you. Did you have a happy life?” Oran asks.

  Dallas nods, “Mostly. I was hurt my dad and his family wanted nothing to do with me, but my mother is loving, and my step-dad stepped in and raised me like his own.”

  “Elmer had no fatherly love to give, the only thing you missed was money.”

  “And a brother,” Dallas points out.

  “I’m sitting right here, asshole.”

  “And now you’re caught up. I get called an asshole often. He’s warming up to you already,” I supply.

  “Shut the hell up,” Oran tells me before shifting his gray eyes back to Dallas. “My mother made sure you’d be greatly compensated for the lost time. As you see, she felt bad about separating you from us, but it was for your own good, really. If the paper trail is correct, she left you about seventy-two million sorrys."

  “What?” Dallas' head falls forward between his knees as he gasps for breath.

  “Yup. If I were the cutthroat asshole you created in your head, I’d fight you on it. Since I’m not, I think you could get more. Bring your mother to me tomorrow. I expect you at all the bullshit this other asshole,” he points at me, “tends to call family gatherings. First one is Sunday, I’m sure Karessa wants to meet you. Change your fucking last name. Once that’s done, you’ll get your money. Do you want to go alone or have us go with you?”

  “Come with me, please.”

  “Fine. Now, I want both of you to get out of my office.”

  I laugh because that’s his version of welcome to the family, so I say it for him as we all stand.

  “Well, welcome to the family,” I tell Dallas who still looks capable of falling over in shock.

  He looks between me and Oran then hugs me. I can’t help but laugh as I hug him back. “Good choice. Oran would have punched you.”

  I’m glad for once our digging didn’t lead to a shitload of legal issues. It may have been one hell of a day, but my only thought is how I can’t wait to tell Imala.

  Chapter Nine


  Now that my engagement is officially out in the open, Wyn is starting to show me more of the side of him he’d only hinted at before. At first it was a sexy look or him saying something sexual, now it’s all of that mixed in with random texts and songs. Today is a prime example. I told him I was meeting my sisters to try on dresses. He’s said okay. It was nice and simple. An hour later, I checked my texts and the other side of Wyn was in my messages.

  Wyn: I know it’s your day, but it’s mine too. Please pick a dress that makes me fantasize about fucking you during the entire wedding.

  I hate that my complexion is lighter than my sisters, it’s extremely hard to hide a blush and they both zero in on it. Esme snatches my phone before I can stop her and her cheeks flush as well.

  “Damn, Mr. Do Right has a dirty side.” She tosses it to Karessa, as my mortification rises.

  Her green eyes fly over the screen and she smiles. “Yup, definitely a Hale.”

  “I wonder if the new brother is freaky because sign me up,” Esme jokes.

  We're in one big dressing room so we can talk shit as we try on clothes, we’ve seen everything the other has anyway. My hips are narrower, unlike Karessa’s pear shape and Esme’s hourglass. Something fitted doesn’t sound like the way to go for me, I need something that flares at the hips.

  Karessa’s hair is in a knot a
t the top of her head because she runs hot since she’s been pregnant.

  I stare at her slightly rounded belly as she swipes through her phone.

  “Look. I made Dallas take a picture with Oran and Wyn. HOW could they not know they’re related? Dallas is clearly a Hale.”

  “Which means there’s a chance he’s naturally freaky as well,” Esme adds.

  “Girl, you’d eat him for breakfast. Dallas is nicer than Wyn.”

  Esme rolls her eyes upward; her natural waves are all over her head because she just pulled off her shirt to reveal her lacy bra. Karessa and Esme’s underwear are made for seduction while mine are practical.

  “I need a man to tell me no and mean it. Then I’ll bitch to y’all about it but be secretly turned on.”

  We laugh because we get it. Wyn has put his foot down on things and wasn’t sure if I wanted to fight him or kiss him. Speaking of which.

  “After this. I need to go get some of that lacy shit you two seem to like so much.”

  “Go with inexpensive. If he’s anything like his cousin, it’s getting ripped,” Karessa offers.

  “Now, back to this fuck me dress your man has requested…” Esme chimes in as she looks at stuff. “Nope. Nope. Nope. Try this one.”

  I look at the dress of my nightmares. “I can’t pull it off. No hips, remember? You try it on. I bet it’ll be really pretty on you.”

  Esme considers it for a moment then steps into it. As I suspected. It’s a perfect fit. The mermaid cut dress makes me want to grab her butt and the cleavage is just right.

  “You look sooooo pretty,” I gush. “I told you.”

  “You should buy it,” Karessa suggests. “You never know when you’ll need it.”

  Esme looks at herself in the mirror and is briefly stunned. “Damn, I do look good. And you mean if. I don’t think I’m marriage material. He’d have to be on my level, or I’ll give him hell.”

  “In other words, you don’t want a respectable businessman?” I supply.

  Esme scrunches up her face. “He’d had to have more beneath the surface to not bore me to death.” She twirls again and I can tell she loves the dress. “But I think I will get it. It looks really good on me and if some man does find a way to tie me down, it’ll be one less thing off my list.”

  I nod my agreement. “That’s practical.”

  Once we narrow down my style, it doesn’t take long for me to find the dress that speaks to me and fits Caerwyn’s request. It’s elegant and pretty for others, simple for me, and a translucent lace bodice with a vee cut for good cleavage.

  Most importantly, I feel comfortable and pretty. It would be a perfect day if we didn’t have secrets hanging over us.

  “Can we grab some food and eat it at one of our homes?” I ask my sisters. “I know you two have questions, but I’d prefer to discuss all of this in private.”

  “Of course,” Karessa accepts. “Our schedules are cleared just for you.”

  “Will we need alcohol?”

  I laugh but it’s a good question. “Lots.”

  We agreed on Indo-Pak and split up. Karessa will get the food, Esme the alcohol, and I go home to make sure there’s nothing of Wyn’s around.

  Esme arrives first and starts making drinks. I watch as she mixes ice Peach Schnapps, Blue Curacao, vodka, coconut rum, orange juice, and pineapple juice in a blender. Once it’s done, she garnishes it with an orange and cherry then slides it over. She puts hers in a glass then makes a girly virgin blend for Karessa.

  Karessa shows up shortly after. We gather around my table with food and drinks and begin plating our food.

  Esme lines some shot glasses up on the table and places the bottle of vodka next to them.

  “In case we need reinforcements.”

  I giggle but my stomach churns because I know I’m about to freak them out. I’ve managed to sleep alone, although it now takes longer to fall asleep. I don’t know if it’s because of residual fear or the lack of Wyn’s body in my bed. Some nights he’ll talk to me on the phone until I fall asleep. He really is a good bet for a partner.

  We’ve gotten halfway done eating when Karessa breaks.

  “Okay! Enough suspense. How did you go from practically running out of my office when Caerwyn arrived to the next future misses Hale?”

  Her question makes me giggle but I start from the beginning telling them how he took me home because I had too much to drink then the attack. Both look horrified but Karessa looks like I’m bringing up a bad memory for her.

  “What happened to them and where’s my gun?” Esme asked with clenched teeth.

  “Caerwyn happened to be nearby leaving a restaurant and beat them up.”

  “Beat them up?” they asked at the same time.

  “Yes,” I nod slowly. It’s technically true, I just don’t know how he feels about sharing all the gritty details. “Once I got over the shock, I asked him how. He said after being the small Hale and living around Oran and Berke, he needed an advantage and took some Krav Maga classes. Once he decided to be a lawyer, he thought it was a good idea to stay current with his training.”

  “I’m so happy he was there to save you. Did you tell mom and dad?”

  “Yes,” I answer Esme. “They knew the night it happened. I asked them to give me time to tell you two myself.” I look at a shaken Karessa. “I know this is a lot to ask but let Wyn discuss it with Oran.”

  She nods and I know she’s emotive, but this is beyond that. Karessa sniffles then blurts out her secret.

  “Elmer didn’t die of a heart attack,” she confesses.

  “What in the hell did he do?” Esme wanted to know.

  “He tried to take me for his own the night of Caerwyn’s party.” I gasp because I’d thought they’d blown it off for newlywed sex. “Oran got there in time to beat him up then Markos took him.”

  “Ah, hell. If Markos took him, then that explains the heart attack.”

  I don’t know why, but Esme’s statement sends me into a fit of giggles. I’m relieved when Karessa and Esme join in. Since our chat killed the rest of the meal, we settle in my living room with the pitcher of alcohol.

  “Since I don’t have anyone to kill because both of you kept me in the dark, let’s move to another topic I like to discuss.” She rubs her hands together and her light brown eyes sparkle with mischief. “Sex. Are you and Wyn fucking or what? I swear, if a man saved my life like that, I’d blow up his world in the bedroom. He’d be walking sideways.”

  “It’s true, Oran got it in the car,” Karessa admits and has the nerve to blush, like she’s not pregnant.

  I get that nervous feeling again. The closer we get to the date, the more nervous I become for the wedding night.

  “No. I’m still a virgin. I did cuddle with him though.”

  “Cuddle! What in the hell can he do with that!” Esme slides off her chair dramatically. “I thought I raised you right.”

  “You’re only three years older than me on a good day, you couldn’t have raised shit.”

  “Did. And all my training has failed,” she looks sad like I failed math after she tutored me.

  “He knows I want to wait for our wedding night.”

  “I respect that,” Karessa commends.

  “Fine. It’s cute or whatever but what’s up with those hot texts?”

  I shrug. “I guess he’s preparing me so I won’t be shocked.”

  Karessa’s nod makes her ponytail bounce. “It’s a good thing if he’s anything like his cousin. I. WASN’T. READY. And I wasn’t a virgin. Caerwyn is a nice man and I’m sure he’ll take it right. I guarantee it’ll be better than mine or Esme’s first time.”

  “True.” Esme readjusts her skirt as she stands to reseat herself. “At least Caerwyn knows what he’s looking for down there. I’m sure it’ll be soon that I’ll be the only one not having spectacular sex.”

  “So, no repeat with Markos?” I ask to take the heat off me.

  Her waves fly when she shakes her head. �
�No. Like I told y’all, one-time deal. Our chemistry was off and we both look damn good naked. I know he’s capable of spectacular sex, but it’d have to be with a woman he’s not hiding from.”

  “Wait.” I stop her because I’m confused. “A Bishop is hiding from a LeClaire?” That’s laughable on all accounts. We’re not exactly thug life.

  “No. Not in that way. We still speak if we’re around each other. I mean. I feel there’s a part of him that he’s not sharing with the world. Only someone special to him can crack that safe. I’m not meant to be that person. Which is a whole shame if you ever happen to see his naked body and tattoos. Gah. Imma find a man with tats. That’s it.”

  She shakes her head resolutely.

  “Jagger has nice ones. Does Oran have any?”

  “No,” Karessa answers then looks up. “What do you know about Jagger’s tats?”

  “I follow him on social media,” I explain casually.

  “You were checking him out!” Esme exclaims with a laugh. “She used to have a crush on him,” she explains to Karessa.

  “It’s past tense.” I defend myself with a blush. “Like years ago. Have you seen the Hanlon men? Don’t front. Now, it’s like looking at art you can appreciate but have no desire to acquire.”

  “Does Caerwyn have tats?” Esme leans in for an answer to her question.

  “I don’t know. I guess I’ll find out in like a month.”

  “Okay being a virgin and doing nothing at all is a whole other level. Have you two kissed?”

  I shake my head. “Were we supposed to?”

  “Imala!” they both shout at me.

  “Look. You didn’t kiss Oran until the wedding.”

  “He was very angry about getting married. Caerwyn is sending you freaky texts and walking around whistling and shit.”

  She has a point.

  “Well, we’ll handle all of the above at that time,” I tell them with a dismissive wave.

  “Are you sexually attracted to him?” Karessa’s voice is full of concern.